
Alex graduated Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2012 with a BFA in Graphic Design.
She is a master of the pen tool in Illustrator, a lover of beautifully kerned text, and day dreamer 
of travel destinations.
As an extremely passionate designer she is always dreaming of ways to be creative next!

Hi, I’m Alex!

I graduated Massachusetts College of Art and Design back in 2012 with a BFA in Graphic Design. I’ve been a graphic designer for three different companies since then, all coincidentally on marketing teams. You could say I’ve learned a bit about the marketing world, but my true passion is (and will always be) design. If my team whips up the magical content, I make it look more beautiful than they ever thought possible.
I’m a self proclaimed master of the pen tool in Illustrator, a lover of beautifully kerned text, and often guilty of drooling over a perfectly designed restaurant menu. I buy products for all the wrong reasons… their label, their package, their cover.. you get it.
If I’m not designing, I’m most likely dreaming about the next travel destination on my never ending bucket list of places to visit. One of these days you’ll find me on a Safari in South Africa, but for now, I’m here, in Boston, living my best life. Bubbly, friendly, loyal - all things I would call myself. And I’d love to work with you!

You can view my resume here.